Leave the Cameras Home! – Part 3

“…when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret…” – Matthew 6:3-4 (NIV)

In Parts 1 & 2, we explored how giving and serving should be approached with the right attitude. Now, in this final installment, we are invited to reflect on the deeper, personal motives behind our giving.

Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.” Brethren, our giving should be so discreet that, if it were possible, even we ourselves wouldn’t dwell on it. While we can’t be entirely unaware of our own actions, we can resist the urge to bask in self-congratulation. As Charles Spurgeon said, “Keep the thing so secret that even you yourself are hardly aware that you are doing anything praiseworthy. Let God be present, and you will have enough of an audience.”

“That your charitable deed may be in secret” (NKJV). Does this mean that if someone finds out about our giving, we lose our reward? Not necessarily. The key issue is the motive. If we give for personal recognition, then no matter how private our act may seem, we’ve already lost God’s reward. But if our giving is for God’s glory, it doesn’t matter who knows about it because the purity of our intention is what matters, and God will still honour it.

“Your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly” (Matthew 6:4 – NKJV). Jesus emphasises the value of doing good for God’s glory, knowing that God rewards far more generously than people ever could. God sees not only our actions but also the motives behind them. One commentator notes, “We should remember that the eye of the Lord is upon us, and that He sees not only the act, but also every motive that led to it.” Therefore, when we give with a pure heart, we can trust that God will reward us in His time and His way, even if it doesn’t feel like it immediately.

Friends, stewardship is about managing what God has entrusted to us in a way that benefits His Kingdom. As we continue to serve, may we remain mindful of God’s presence and the purity of our motives.


Lord, I come to You today seeking Your guidance as I serve others. May my motives be pure and reflect Your love in all that I do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read: Proverbs 29:23; Ezekiel 21:26

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 119:9-16; 1 Thessalonians 2:17-20; 1 Thessalonians 3; Jeremiah 21; Jeremiah 22; Jeremiah 23:1-8

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